Monday, August 22, 2011

Seaside Park

My family and I went to the beach this weekend. As usual it was beautiful and the weather was just perfect for splashing in the water, building sand castles, and laying out in the sun. I even managed to take a picture or two.

Here are a few of those pictures I took while there. Enjoy!

This little Seagull loved to be photographed. I have several of him.

Calming Waves

Ripples in the sand

Sandy toes

I can stare at this view for hours

I wonder whats inside this shell?

The sun was playing hide and seek

This is whats inside the shell!  I can't believe I got this close to it


  1. These are beautiful photos- you have an eye for it!

  2. Thank you so much!! I really enjoy taking photos, I take my camera everywhere I go lol whether its walking the dogs in the morning, or even checking the mail because I just never know what Im going to come across you know.

    Your blog is fabulous and your sculpture is amazing, my goodness!!
    I'll be following your blog for sure.
