Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Milestones and Memories

I am the mother of three great kids and from the moment I found out I was carrying my first child nearly 14 years ago I have kept a journal for each one of them. It is a personal documentation, my own account of milestones and funny moments. I began these journals with the intentions of giving it to them one day when they had children of their own but I think I just might keep them instead and I’ll tell you why.

Every so often after completing an entry in their journals I like to browse through the pages and go back in time if only for a brief moment. A quick second when something triggers a memory in me and I can recall so vividly the smell in the air that  particular day, or the exact emotions that were going through me all because this little person, my child was in my life.
Being able to remember such memories in such a detailed way has sometimes made me cry. Not necessarily from sadness, but more at the fact that time truly does pass us by so quickly.  However having these journals to go back to and read has mostly made me literally laugh out loud a huge hardy laugh at all the funny things that my kids have said or done throughout the years, things that I have completely forgotten about.  And oh boy, kids really say AND do the darnedest things.

 I’ll of course share these memories with my kids and grandkids, but it will be something that I can look back to whenever I want. When they’re all grown up and living lives of their own and I’m no longer needed as often as I am now.

I so recommend that anyone with children keep such journals and take a minute or two every now and again to write in them. I promise you will be so happy that you did.

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